Solve the below:
Q: The inner wall of a rocket motor combustion chamber receives 50,000 Btu/(h ft2) by radiation from a gas at 5000° F. The convective heat transfer coefficient between the gas and the wall is 20 Btu/(h ft2 °F). If the inner wall of the combustion chamber is at a temperature of 1000° F, determine the total thermal resistance of a unit area of the wall in (h ft2 °F)/Btu and the heat flux. Also draw the thermal circuit.
Wall of a rocket motor combustion chamber
Radiation to inner surface (qr/A) = 50,000 Btu/(h ft2)
Temperature of gas in chamber (Tg) = 5000°F
Convective heat transfer coefficient on inner wall (hc) = 20 Btu/(h ft2 °F)
Temperature of inner wall (Tw) = 1000°F
One dimensional heat transfer through the walls of the combustion chamber
Steady state heatflow