
Draw the state diagram corresponding to the following fsm

Problem 1

a)  Draw the synthesized logic resulting from the following VHDL code. Label all the signals on your diagram precisely.

entity unknown is generic (k : natural := 3);

port (x : in std_logic_vector ( 2**k-1 downto 0); f : out std_logic);

end unknown;

architecture struct of unknown is component and2 is

port (a, b : in std_logic; c: out std_logic);

end component;

component or2 is

port (a, b : in std_logic; c: out std_logic);

end component;

type matrix is array (k-1 downto 0, 2**k-1 downto 0) of std_logic;

signal temp : matrix;


outer_loop: for j in k-1 downto 0 generate

inner_loop: for i in 0 to 2**j-1 generate

and_gen: if j = k-1 then generate

and_gate: and2 port map (X(2*i), X(2*i + 1), temp(j,i));

end generate;

or_gen: if j < k-1 then generate

or_gate: or2 port map (temp(j+1, 2*i), temp(j+1, 2*i + 1), temp(j,i));

end generate; end generate;

end generate; f <= temp(0,0); end struct;

What is the critical path delay for this circuit based on your diagram in a general case? State your answer in terms of variables used in the design assuming the delay of AND and OR gates are TAND and TOR respectively.

Problem 2

Write a function that creates a wide AND gate that operates on a vector of any length.

function wide_AND(a: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return std_logic is variable retVal: STD_LOGIC;


retVal := '1';

for i in a'range loop

retVal := retVal and a(i); end loop;

return retVal;


Problem 3

retVal := '1';

for i in a'range loop

retVal := retVal and a(i); end loop;

return retVal;

Draw the state diagram corresponding to the following FSM VHDL model:

library IEEE;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity FSM_MIDTERM is port (


OUTPUT: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));


architecture FSM_MIDTERM_OPERATION of FSM_MIDTERM is type Sreg0_type is (S1, S2, S3, S4);

signal Sreg0: Sreg0_type;


Sreg0_machine:   process (CLOCK, reset) begin

if RESET='1' then Sreg0 <= S1; OUTPUT <= "000";

elsif CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1' then case Sreg0 is

when S1=>

OUTPUT <= "000";

if INPUT='1' then

Sreg0 <= S2; elsif INPUT='0' then

Sreg0 <= S1;

end if;

when S2=>

OUTPUT <= "010";

if INPUT='1' then

Sreg0 <= S4; elsif INPUT='0' then

Sreg0 <= S3;

end if;

when S3=>

OUTPUT <= "100";

if INPUT='0' then

Sreg0 <= S1;

elsif INPUT='1' then

Sreg0 <= S4;

end if;

when S4=>

OUTPUT <= "101";

if INPUT='1' then

Sreg0 <= S4; elsif INPUT='0' then

Sreg0 <= S3;


end if;

end if; end case;

end process;

Problem 4

In this problem you are asked to design a peak detector circuit. The purpose of this circuit is to alert the user when samples of a signal exceed beyond the threshold level. The circuit consists of a moving average calculation and a peak detector circuit, counters and control signals. A filter calculating the average of the N last samples of a signal is given by:

y(k) = (1/N) · i=nN-1 x (k - t)

Draw the logic block diagram of this circuit including all control signals for N = 4 for the following two cases:

a)       There is only one two-input adder available.

b)      No limitation on number of adders.

Problem 5

a)       What is the synthesis result of the following VHDL code? What function does this VHDL code represent?

entity unknown is

port( a: in unsigned (1 downto 0); d: in stdlogic;

z: out unsigned (3 downto 0));

end entity unknown;

architecture rtl of unknown is begin

process (a, d)

variable temp: integer range 0 to 3;


temp := to_integer (a);

for j in z'range loop

if temp = j then

else end if;

end loop end process;

z(j)<= d; z(j)<= '0';

end architecture rtl;

Problem 6

Assume the following specifications for the logic circuit given below: Tmultiplier = 12 ns

Tadder = 5 ns

Tmux = 3 ns TNegation = 2 ns

FF's: Tc-q = 2 ns Tsu = 1 ns               Thold = 1 ns

68_Logic Circuit.jpg

a.        Minimum clock period for the circuit given in presence of no skew. Highlight the critical path on your design. Also highlight the shortest path in this design.

Tmin = Tc-q+Tneg+Tmult+Tmux+Tadd+Tsu

= 2+2+12+3+5+1=25ns

b.       If you replace the multiplier in part (a) with a two level pipelined multiplier as follows, what would be the speed up for the new design? Calculate the new clock period in presence of no skew.

Tmin = Tc-q+1/3*Tmult+Tmux+Tadd+Tsu

= 2+1/3*12+3+5+1=15ns


c.        Redraw the complete pipelined circuit with new registers inserted in the paths.

d.       Fill out the following table using the information obtained above.










Problem 7

Using shift and add/subtract instructions only, devise efficient routines for the operations by the following constants. Present your answer as a series of add and shift instructions.

a)  Divide by 45

b)  Multiply by 2.5

Problem 8

Consider the following VHDL code segment.

y <= (others => '0'); if (a > b) then

y <= a - b;

end if ;

if (crtl = '1') then

y <= c;

end if ;

(a)   Draw the synthesized logic diagram.

(b)   Rewrite the complete code using one if statement.

if ctrl = 't' then

y<= c;

elsif a> b then

y = <= a - b;


y<= (other=> '0';

(c)   Repeat part (a) and (b) for the following VHDL code fragment. if (a > b) then

y <= a - b;

end if ;

if (crtl = '1') then

y <= c;

end if ;

Problem 9

Draw the state diagram corresponding to the following FSM VHDL model. Is this a Mealy or Moore machine? Why? Also complete the timing diagram for the given FSM code for y, g1, g2, g3.

entity arbiter is

port ( clock, resetn               : in          std_logic ;

r                           : in          std_logic_vector(1 to 3) ;

g                           : out        std_logic_vector(1 to 3)) ;

end arbiter ;

architecture behavior of arbiter is

type state_type is (idle, gnt1, gnt2, gnt3) ;

signal y : state_type ;


process (resetn, clock)


if resetn = '0' then y <= idle ;

elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then case y is

when idle =>

if r(1) = '1' then y <= gnt1 ;

elsif r(2) = '1' then y <= gnt2 ;

elsif r(3) = '1' then y <= gnt3 ;

else y <= idle ;

end if ;

when gnt1 =>

if r(1) = '1' then y <= gnt1 ;

else y <= idle ;

end if ;

when gnt2 =>

if r(2) = '1' then y <= gnt2 ;

else y <= idle ;

end if ;

when gnt3 =>

if r(3) = '1' then y <= gnt3 ;

else y <= idle ;

end if ;

end case ;

end if ;

end process ;

g(1) <= '1' when y = gnt1 else '0' ; g(2) <= '1' when y = gnt2 else '0' ; g(3) <= '1' when y = gnt3 else '0' ;

end behavior;

933_Timing Diagram.jpg

776_Timing Diagram1.jpg

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Other Engineering: Draw the state diagram corresponding to the following fsm
Reference No:- TGS01411351

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