Question about Mathematics - Trigonometry
Please help with the following problem. Provide a step by step solution along with diagrams.
Draw the oblique triangle, classify each oblique triangle according to the four cases and solve for the required side or angle:
1. if b = 12, c = 15 and C = 67°, find a.
2. if a = 12, b = 7 and c = 5, find A.
3. if a = 25, b = 50 and C = 72° 25', find c.
4. if b = 65, c = 90 and A = 64° 45'. find a.
5. if B = 55.4°, C = 92.7° and b = 2.5, find a.
8. if b = 64, a = 97 and c = 59, find C.