
Draw the class diagram which covers all the situations

1. Split the carpark system into two subsystems suitable for (more or less) independent development. Describe these subsystems with a few words, including how they will communicate.

If working in pairs, each student should take responsibility for one subsystem for the tasks below. Work independently at ?rst, then review each other's work and ?x any issues that you ?nd - similar to how it may work for a real project.

2. Draw a use case diagram for the carpark system.

3. Draw an activity diagram covering all cases of
(a) an employee trying to reserve a carpark.
(b) a car trying to enter the carpark.

4. Draw the system sequence diagrams associated with the activity diagrams.

5. Draw the class diagram which covers all the situations described in the carpark system, showing inheritance, association (aggregation and composition as necessary) and multiplicity. Include all attributes and operations/methods.

State any assumptions that you have made.

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Database Management System: Draw the class diagram which covers all the situations
Reference No:- TGS0669595

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