draw pie chart in c programint

Draw pie chart in c++ program:

int main()


                char cmd;


                cout << "Chart desired: Pie  Bar  Scatter  Line  Three-D";

                cout << "\n Press first letter of the chart you want: ";

                cmd = toupper(getch());

                cout << '\n';


                if (cmd == 'P')

                                cout << "Doing pie chart\n";

                else if (cmd == 'B')

                                cout << "Doing bar chart\n";

                else if (cmd == 'S')

                                cout << "Doing scatter chart\n";

                else if (cmd == 'L')

                                cout << "Doing line chart\n";

                else if (cmd == 'T')

                                cout << "Doing 3-D chart\n";

                else cout << "Invalid choice.\n";


return 0;


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C/C++ Programming: draw pie chart in c programint
Reference No:- TGS0174805

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