
Draw out what this would look like as a histogram and

1. A participant in a research study is given 50 words to remember and later asked to recall as many as he can of those 50 words. This participant recalls 17.

What is the:

a. variable,
b. possible values, and
c. score?

2. Provide an example of

a. a nominal,
b. rank-order, and
c. equal-interval variable. Be sure to list the variables and note how they are measured (i.e., the categories for the variables).

3. A researcher finds that the range of scores for age at first marriage is from 17 to 56 years. The distribution is unimodal and positively skewed. Explain what means to someone who has never taken a course in statistics. Be sure to refer to the actual data.

4. Here are the number of holiday gifts purchased by 25 families randomly interviewed at a local mall at the end of the holiday season:

22, 18, 22, 26, 19, 14, 23, 27, 2, 18, 28, 28, 11, 16, 34, 28, 13, 21, 32, 17, 6, 29, 23, 22, 19


a. a frequency table and

b. a grouped frequency table with 7 intervals and an interval width of 5.

Draw out what this would look like as a histogram and

c. describe the shape of the distribution.

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Applied Statistics: Draw out what this would look like as a histogram and
Reference No:- TGS0812407

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