Chuck Jaw -
Draw orthographic views of the Chuck Jaw with object lines, centerlines and hidden lines. Draw the front, top, and right side views. The front view is the long side facing you above. Dimension fully, placing at least one dimension on each view. Since you will be plotting to scale, YOU MUST USE ANNOTATIVE TEXT, DIMENSION AND LEADER STYLES. The normal text height should be 1/8". Titles should be 1/4" high. The counter bore and depth symbols are available in the gdt.shx font. The counter bore is .75" wide and extends down .81" before assuming the .50" diameter. Note that the slot at the bottom of the jaw extends the length of the law. The bolt holes extend down to this slot.
Create a section view by drawing a section cutting plane line through one view of your object. When you choose your section, choose a plane that will slice across at least one hole. Remember to put arrowheads on the ends of your cutting plane line, using the section arrow leader style, and label it with "A" at each end so you can label your section view accordingly. There is a section arrow symbol available on the blackboard.
Make sure all drawing elements are on the correct layer. You will lose points for improper layering.
Locate the orthographic views of the Chuck Jaw in Sheet 1 layout at an appropriate scale and the section view on Sheet 2 layout using a larger scale. You will have to create viewports at these scales. The viewports should be created on the viewport layer, a non-print layer.
Place your name, part name (Chuck Jaw) and the scale on the title blocks.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar