
Draw on the chart the age range of known existence for each

Introduction to Physical Anthropology: Assignment

Fossil Hominin Chronology and Phylogeny: Directions and Data

PART 1:- Using the list below, draw on the attached chart the age range of known existence for each species. Do this by marking on the chart the maximum date and directly above it, the minimum date associated with each species (as indicated in the data table below). then connect the two dots with a vertical (up and down) line. Add the name of each species just to the left or right of the line You may use abbreviations.

The best result will be obtained if you start with the oldest known species and plot its age range at the bottom of the chart. For each of the remaining species, shift about a centimeter over, and plot its age range. You will need to consider carefully which species are most likely ancestral (related) to later species and which are dead-ends. Do this before simply plotting each species (it will be helpful to read the instructions for Part 2 before you start).

PART 2: Next. after each of the species is indicated on the chart, construct a phylogeny by drawing dashed lines connecting species that are likely related to each other. If relationships between species are uncertain, insert a question mark between the species. Species that are evolutionary 'dead-ends (such as the Paranthropines) should form separate branches on the tree. Remember, all "branches" on the family tree point upwards-no connections should go backwards in time.

Helpful hints: Species that are members of the same genus are related to one another first and foremost and cannot arise separately from different ancestors. Location is also important! For example, a species that is found only in Europe is unlikely to arise from a species that is only found in East Asia. Look for previous species in the same general part of the world as a possible ancestor. Physical features are also important: for example. a robust species typically will be related to other robust species.

NOTE: On the chart, "MYA" = Millions of Years Ago; so 0.2 MYA = 200,000 years ago., 1.4 MYA = 1,400.000 years ago. etc. The dotted lines represent the time levels indicated; you should estimate as closely as possible the positions to plot which fall between the lines. Try it in pencil first!


Homo sapiens 200,000 - present
Homo floresiensis 35.000 - 13,000
Homo neanderthalensis 120,000 - 30,000
Homo heidelbergensis 600,000 - 130,000
Homo erectus (Asia) 1.6 mya - 40,000
Homo ergaster (Africa/Europe) 1.8 mya - 0.5 mya
Early Homo: Homo habilis/rudolfensis 2.4 mya - 1.4 mya
Australopithecus sediba 2 - 1.8 mya
Paranthropus robustus 2 mya - 1 mya
Paranthropus boisei 2.2 mya - 1 mya
Paranthropus aethiopicus 2.4 mya
Australopithecus garhi 2.5 mya
Kenyanthropus platyops 3.5 mya
Australopithecus africanus 3 mya - 2 mya
Australopithecus afarensis 3.6 mya - 3 mya
Australopithecus anamensis 4.2 mya - 3.9 mya
Ardipithecus ramidus/kaddaba 5.8 mya - 4.4 mya
Orrorin tugenensis 6.1 mya - 5.8 mya
Sahelanthropus tchadensis 7 mya - 6 mya

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Dissertation: Draw on the chart the age range of known existence for each
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