
Draw functional dependency diagram for the initial relation

Assignment task: Examine the following relation and its attributes and answer the following questions. Assume these are the values for "all time". Assume girls with the same name are the same person.

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For each question below, please be sure to review the course content for additional reference material.

Q1. Is this relation in at least 1NF? Why or why not?

Q2. What is the primary key of the initial relation (assume the values shown are the only possible tuples for all time)? Remember that a primary key must be unique and not null.

Q3. Describe the specific data anomalies that exist if we DELETE the tuple containing Jacqueline.

Q4. Draw a functional dependency diagram for the initial relation. This diagram should agree with the primary key you selected in above. This can be drawn in any drawing tool. Be sure to identify dependencies like full, partial, transient, etc. between the attributes.

Q5. Based on your diagram, what normal form is the initial relation in? Why?

Q6. If necessary, decompose the initial relation into a set of non-loss 3NF relations by showing the relations, attributes, and tuples. Show complete relations with attribute headings and all data values in the tuples of your relations. Determine the number of 3NF relations you end up with after normalization, write this number, and then circle the number.

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Basic Computer Science: Draw functional dependency diagram for the initial relation
Reference No:- TGS03431621

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