
Draw from the instructional materials and your personal as

Having read about Organizational Development and Change and HRD and Diversity and the relationship between HRD/Training and OD in organizations, consider the four questions that are listed below. In order to participate in a dialogue designed to explore the issues, be sure you respond to the question with your own well-researched answer and at least two of your colleague's responses for each question. Also, make sure you respond to any questions others may ask of you during this week.

Draw from the instructional materials and your personal as well as professional experiences to answer the Discussion Questions below. In order to participate in a dialogue designed to explore the issues, be sure you respond to at least two of your colleague's responses for each question. Also, make sure you respond to any questions others may ask of you during this unit. Remember that this is a discussion, so keep your responses succinct and to the point.

Topic 1: Diversity

Compare and contrast equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and managing diversity programs. Can they occur simultaneously? Why or why not?

Topic 2: The Role of HRD

Describe the role of an HRD (ED) professional with respect to managing culturally diverse employees. What kinds of HRD (ED) programs support this approach?



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HR Management: Draw from the instructional materials and your personal as
Reference No:- TGS0639465

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