
Draw diagrams representing all allowed system states from q

In analogy with the previous problem, consider a system of identical spin-O bosons trapped in a region where the energy levels are evenly spaced. Assume that N is a large number, and again let q be the number of energy units.

(a) Draw diagrams representing all allowed system states from q = 0 up to q = 6. Instead of using dots as in the previous problem, use numbers to indicate the number of bosons occupying each level.

(b) Compute the occupancy of each energy level, for q = 6. Draw a graph of the occupancy as a function of the energy of the level.

(c) Estimate the values of , and T that you would have to plug into the BoseEinstein distribution to best fit the graph of part (b).

(d) As in part (d) of the previous problem, draw a graph of entropy vs. energy and estimate the temperature at q = 6 from this graph.

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Physics: Draw diagrams representing all allowed system states from q
Reference No:- TGS01366855

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