Draw diagram overlaying the pourbaix diagrams for nickel

Question 1

(a) Using appropriate data sources (to be cited correctly) make a reasonably accurate sketch or graph of a Pourbaix diagram for silver.

(b) Using appropriate data sources (to be cited correctly) make a reasonably accurate sketch or graph of a Pourbaix diagram for nickel.

(c) Overlay the Pourbaix diagram for water on each of the diagrams in parts (a) and (b), and use this to discuss the corrosion stability of these metals in contact with water.

(d) Use the Pourbaix diagrams in parts (a) and (b) to discuss some of the methods of corrosion protection.

Question 2

(a) Draw another diagram overlaying the Pourbaix diagrams for nickel and silver.

(b) Use this diagram to explain the likely outcome of holding a solution of nickel ions in a silver container.

(c) Use this diagram to explain the likely outcome of holding a solution of silver ions in a nickel container.

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Computer Engineering: Draw diagram overlaying the pourbaix diagrams for nickel
Reference No:- TGS01001492

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