Write an email report with new analysis.
Excelsior's CEO has read your report written in Exercise 8. He would like the data on the companies you identified as potential clients analyzed from a different perspective: he wants you to group the companies according to the countries in which they are based. Put the data into a table and, from your findings, draw conclusions about the geographic concentration of prospects. Write a brief report-within the body of an email-to the CEO; include your table and your conclusion.
Exercise 8:
Draft supplementary report sections.
Continuing in your role as vice president of marketing for Excelsior (from Exercise 7), add supplementary sections for your report to the CEO.
a. Assuming that the report will be submitted tomorrow, prepare a title page.
b. Using the data you analyzed in the previous exercise, draw conclusions and make recommendations. Then write a cover memo to accompany the report. Include brief statements of your conclusions and recommendations.
c. Decide whether you need an appendix; if so, note what it should contain.
Exercise 7:
Draft a report section.
You are the vice president of marketing for Excelsior, a mid-sized, U.S. consulting firm that specializes in strategic planning services. The CEO of your firm, Victor Trillingham, has asked you to prepare an extensive report on the feasibility of Excelsior's entering the international market.
One strategy you're considering is marketing to large multinational companies. As part of your research, you have data on the world's 25 largest public companies (see Figure 16).11 You're interested in the non-U.S. firms in this group that have the largest sales.
Plan to create a text-based report. At this point, compose only the section that presents and discusses this data. Include a table of the largest, non-U.S. firms (in terms of sales). Discuss the data in terms of the largest companies, their countries of origin, and similar factors. Format the section in appropriate report format (beginning with page 5 of your report); provide an effective heading for this section, topic sentences, a summary, and a transition to the next section, which discusses the largest companies in terms of their major products and services.