
Draw an e-r diagram based on the information provided you

Choose one of the following only.

Al-Ain Engineering Consultants

Every engineer must be an employee, engineer has a 1:1 relationship to company's truck and each truck must be assigned to an engineer, but not all engineers have a truck. Engineers provide services to clients. An engineer can provide from zero to many services, but a given service must be provided by an engineer and can be provided by only that engineer. clients may have services, and a service can be requested by many clients. A client must have purchased at least one service, but service need not have any clients. An engineer may have earned a certification, but not all engineers have a certification.

Al-Ain Institute of Technology and Management (AITM)

AITM is a privately owned institute providing quality education in management and information technology, to the residents of Al-Ain and other emirates for many years. With the years the institute has grown in terms of its student's enrollment and also in imparting undergraduate education in various new disciplines.

Because of this growth the AITM's administration felt the need of implementing an information system which could maintain the complete record for the institute's students, the courses they offer, degree programs they offer and other major elements.

Consider yourself as a database expert and a system design specialist. You are supposed to develop a system based on the following piece of information which you have gathered through interviewing your client, AITM.

Permanent faculty: 10

Temporary faculty: 6

Students 200

Programs: Computer sciences and management science One teacher can teach multiple courses both in management and computer science.

One student can register maximum of 3 courses each semester.

Each student must be registered with either of the two departments. There is no limit for a department in terms of having the number of students.

Management science department offers the following programs: BBA in Marketing/Finance/Accounting and MIS.

The Painters

Mr. has been in the business of painting for almost more than a year. He runs his business with the name of "The painters" in Al-Ain. Although his primary area of services is painting, but Mr. X also gives decoration services for the houses. Due to the nature of his small business he could not afford to hire many people working for him, therefore he just have one person to assist him. Miss Y is responsible for maintaining the complete business records for "The Painters".

Most of the time, Mr. X gets his customers from referrals. It's very embarrassing and confusing sometimes when a customer calls and say that he/she has been referred to The painter from so and so customer, who got the services from The Painters last year. It gets even more complicated when the customer calling says that h./she wants exactly the same services which were given to so and so customer last year. Miss Y is maintaining the records of all the customers for the business, but each time to look for the customer who might have referred the new customer, to look for the exact nature of the services given is difficult and highly time consuming. Besides, most of the time Mr. X has to ask the customer calling about the address of the customer who has referred him to The Painters.

To overcome this problem Mr. X consulted a recent MIS graduate from UAEU, Asma Ahmed. After listening Mr. X business problem she advised him to maintain a Data base for his business. Mr. X agreed to Asma after her highly convincing consultancy and they both had a detailed sitting with together to learn about the business processes which are as follows:

Services offered: Painting/Interior decoration (curtains, wall papers etc.)

Customer comes to the business through two routes: Direct customers (without referrals)/Through referrals

Following are some of the important elements in the business: Jobs/Charges for respective jobs given.

Instructions: Draw an E-R diagram based on the information provided. You can make the ERD in MS Visio or MS Word. You are supposed to think of the possible related attributes for the entities. Each table must have at least 5 records. Define the primary keys and show the relationships between the entities. Make tables and join them as per the ER diagram in MS Access. Make at least 3 queries and 2 Reports. Reports should be based on certain logics which should help to make certain decisions. Save your work and submit in a flash. Presentations dates will be announced later.

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Software Engineering: Draw an e-r diagram based on the information provided you
Reference No:- TGS02254068

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