
Draw a typical green building facades and floors showing

Question 1:

(a) Draw a qualitative graph showing long term projected CO2 emissions, Atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Atmospheric temperature, Sea-level rise due to thermal expansion and Sea-level rise due to ice melting.

(b) Describe the cycling process of ice melting and warming. Also, describe why Arctic region is warming faster than any other region.

(c) Australian rainfall is dominated by atmospheric pressures in Darwin and Tahiti. Describe what pressure condition brings much rain to Australian territory. What is the condition of sea surface temperature during this event, is it higher or lower?

(d) Draw and write the elements of ‘Sustainability Compass'

Answer any two questions from the following:

(e) Name three approaches which are required to achieve carbon emission targets.

(f) Describe why sea level rise expected to go on increasing even after greenhouse gas emissions are stopped.

(g) Why Carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is going up and down within a year

Question 2:

(a) Define Eco-efficiency

Answer any one question from the following:

(b) Draw a interactions of inputs, energy and technology for any particular service considering ‘Whole System Design'

(c) Describe reinforcing loop and balancing loop.

Question 3:

(a) Draw a table showing life-cycle stages, environmental loadings, boundary, partial & total LCA. Then define partial and total LCA.
Answer any one question from the following:

(b) Mention stage (material, production, use or end-of-life) of highest ‘environmental loading' for each of the products: single use package and building

Mention the steps of LCA.

(c) In an industrial process, the input material flowrate is 0.5 kg/s and energy requirement is 200kW. The CO2 emission associated with the input material production and transportation is 4 kg CO2/kg input material. CO2 emission associated with the energy production is 0.002 kg CO2/kJ. Industry itself emits 0.1 kg CH4 per second of industrial process. Methane's (CH4) Global Warming Potential is 21. Calculate total CO2 release (in CO2 e) flowrate associated with the output material production.

Question 4:

(a) It has been found that a 25 Watt CFL bulb can produce same light as a 75 Watt standard Incandescent bulb. Average life periods of CFL bulbs and standard bulbs are 5 years and 1 year respectively. Purchase prices of CFL bulb and standard bulb are $7 and $0.5 respectively. Assume an electricity use of 1000 hours per year and cost of electricity is $0.15/kWh. Calculate payback period and total life cycle savings for the CFL bulb.

Answer any one question from the following:

(b) Among alternative energy sources describe the merits and demerits of tidal energy, solar energy and nuclear energy.

(c) Draw a qualitative graph showing trend (falling or rising) of Australian greenhouse gas emissions per GDP. Describe the reason of this trend.

Among transport greenhouse gas emissions, which sector has grown significantly and why?

Describe merits of Light Emitting Diodes (LED).

Question 5:

(a) A person is driving a car, how many percent of energy is utilised to move the person and how many percent to move the car?

(b) Describe feasibility of some new generation cars.

Answer any one question from the following:

(c) What are the transport features of first Eco-city in China?

(d) What are the potential solutions to avoid huge transport emissions?

Question 6:

(a) You are required to design a rainwater tank for a house having a roof size of 200 m2. Monthly average rainfall values for the locality are given in the table below. Daily total water requirement for the house is 400 L/day. Proposed rainwater tank is supposed to supply half of the water requirements. Assume a 10% loss from rainfall amounts to runoff. Also, assume a 30 days month. Calculate what should be the minimum size of the tank. Also, what should be the size of the tank in a conservative design?

Month Average rainfall (mm)
Jan 60
Feb 110
Mar 150
Apr 140
May 160
Jun 250
Jul 130
Aug 20
Sep 10
Oct 15
Nov 15
Dec 40

Answer any one question from the following:

(b) For traditional stormwater collection analysis, monthly average rainfall amounts are used to calculate the total amount of water, which can be saved. What are the issues with this type of calculation?

For our household water needs approximately what percentage of water can recycle water?

Name different types of irrigations systems. Which one is most in-efficient?

(c) Briefly describe (any three) the merits and/or issues of following recycling options:
- Onsite domestic wastewater
- Onsite domestic grey water
- Sewer mining
- Desalination 6

Question 7:

(a) Calculate heat gain through a roof of size 10mX15m. The roof has got a skylight having an area of 2 m2. What will be the new heat gain, if the skylight is shaded 50%. Again what will be the heat gain if skylight is removed and the roof is only covered by existing roof material? Equations and co-efficient values are given at the end of this paper.

Answer any one from the following:

(b) Draw a typical green building facades and floors showing natural air circulation. Draw arrows to show warm air exit path.

(c) Describe how we can increase energy efficiency of a house through:

(describe any two out of following three)
- Building orientation
- Room layout
- Window placement 4

Question 8:

Answer any one from the following:

(a) Draw graphs showing general expected future trends of total waste, landfill waste, recycled waste and landfill tax.

Define ‘Grey Water', ‘Black Water', and ‘Effluent Sewer'

(b) Define the concept of ‘Industrial Ecology'

Define Bimimicry.

Describe symbiotic relationship in aquatic environment

Question 9:

Answer any one from the following:

(a) What are the major components, which contributes to human ecological footprint.

(b) Define carbon footprint.

Write a simple equation of Ecological Footprint as a function of population, affluence and technological efficiency

Useful Equations and Coefficients:

for walls; for roof; for doors

for windows
UD = 2.20 W/m2K
UW = 0.67 W/m2K
UR = 0.286 W/m2K

GLFS values for north: 60 W/m2, south: 60 W/m2, east & west: 65 W/m2, skylight: 70 W/m2

GLF values for north: 71.5 W/m2, south: 60 W/m2, east: & west: 150 W/m2, skylight::160 W/m2

CLTD values for north: 6 K, south: 4 K, east: 11 K, west:11 K and roof: 23 K

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Mechanical Engineering: Draw a typical green building facades and floors showing
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