1) Draw a system blueprint for the process of a customer coming in and eating in the conveyor belt sushi restaurant. Start with the consumer flow.
a. Analyze your model to make sure it fully represents the key elements of the process. Pay special attention to any data used in the process (this will require some creative thinking). And write in the key environmental elements that signify and enable each major stage in the process for the customer.
b. Evaluate and add the key supporting processes that enable this service to work.
2) Decide what the key features of this process are that make it capable of high speed, high quality, low cost delivery of a very perishable, often expensive food.
You might analyze key dynamics of this process on which you can judge its effectiveness:
a. Wait-times (locations of unwanted waits)
b. Reliability (the percent likelihood of a flow occurring)
c. Flow time (the time it takes for a task or flow to execute)
d. Responsibility (the resources assigned)
e. Fidelity (the degree to which a process step*adds value in achieving the key business outcomes of the overall activity)
* a process step can be any activity within a process, as in a task, decision, of data storage flow.
3) Discuss how you are seeing technology being applied or can be applied to innovate the service blueprints at restaurants and draw a new blueprint to reflect the improved services by applying new technologies.
a. What technology has been or could be applied in the process?
b. Which process steps can be improved by using some technology?
c. Draw another system blueprint to reflect the changes you suggest.
Write your report professionally. Imagine you are a consultant and provide this report to your restaurant client.
• Check the format and grammars very carefully.
• Use Modeling software to draw the system blueprint. It is not acceptable to have a hand-draw print.
Case :