Draw a stakeholder map that identifies your organizations

Assignment 1

1. What is the name of the organization? Give a short account of the history of the company. Describe the way it has grown and developed.

2. What does the organization do? What good and services does it produce/provide? What kind of value does it create? If the company has an annual report, what does the report describe as the company's organizational mission?

3. Draw a model of the way the organization creates value. Briefly describe its inputs, throughputs, outputs, and environment.

4. Do an initial analysis of the organization's major problems or issues. What challenges confront the organization today-for example, in its efforts to attract customers, to lower costs, to increase operating efficiency? How does its organizational design relate to these problems?

5. Read its annual report and determine which kinds of goals, standards, or targets the organization is using to evaluate performance. How well is the organization doing when judged by the criteria of control, innovation, and efficiency?

Assignment 2

In this model you will identify your organization's major stockholders, analyze the top management structure, investigate its code of ethics, and try to uncover its ethical stance.

1. Draw a stakeholder map that identifies your organization's major stakeholder groups. What kinds of conflicts between its stakeholder groups would you expect to occur the most?

2. Using information on the company's website, draw a picture of its hierarchy of authority. Try to identify the members of the top-management team. Is the CEO also the chair of the board of directors?

3. Does the company have divisional managers? What functional managers seem to be most important to the organization in achieving a competitive advantage? What is the functional background of the top-management team?

4. Does the organization have a published code of ethics or ethical stance? What kinds of issues does it raise in this statement?

5. Search for information about your organization concerning the ethical or unethical behavior of its managers. What does this tell you about its ethical stance?

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Operation Management: Draw a stakeholder map that identifies your organizations
Reference No:- TGS0977211

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