Discuss the below:
Q: Figure shows a discrete-circuit amplifier. The input signal vsig is coupled to the gate through a very large capacitor (shown as infinite). The transistor source is connected to ground at signal frequencies via a very large capacitor (shown as infinite). The output voltage signal that develops at the drain is coupled to a load resistance via a very large capacitor (shown as infinite). All capacitors behave as short circuits for signals and as open circuits for dc.
(a) If the transistor has Vt = 1 V, and kn = 4 mA/V2, verify that the bias circuit establishes VGS = 1.5 V, ID = 0.5 mA, and VD =+7.0 V. That is, assume these values, and verify that they are consistent with the values of the circuit components and the device parameters.
(b) Find gm and ro if VA = 100 V.
(c) Draw a complete small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier, assuming all capacitors behave as short circuits at signal frequencies
(d) Find Rin , vgs/vsig, vo/vgs, and vo/vsig.