Q1. What is the difference between higher and lower pairs?
Q2. Draw a sketch of one inversion of slider - crank mechanism in which the crank is made stationary. Describe the use and special features of this mechanism.
Q3. Draw a sketch and explain the working of Oldham's coupling.
Q4. Describe the Whitworth Quick return motion mechanism with the help of neat sketch. A crank and slotted lever mechanism used in a shaper has a center distance of 300 mm between the center of oscillation of the slotted lever and the center of rotation of the crank. The radius of the crank is 120 mm. Find the ratio of the time of cutting to the time of return stroke.
Q5. What do you mean by degree of freedom of a kinematic pair? Explain with example.
Q6. Distinguish between:
a) Machine and structure
b) Lower and higher pairs
Q7. Ascertain the degree of freedom for the two mechanisms shown: