Draw a minimum of 2 different sectional views to show areas

Project Assignment: Laptop 3D Drawing

Document Setup:

• Use different layers
• The layer name should indicate what it is representing
• Different layers should be assigned different color. Do not use the color identical to your background.
• Figures should not overlap each other.


• Use as many layouts as you need; however, a minimum 8 layouts are required.
• View ports should not be printed
• All AutoCAD layouts should have the proper title block
• All view ports should clearly indicate what is being shown on the page
• Not all pages should include object dimensions (2 minimum)


• The object to be drawn this semester is a Laptop and charger. The laptop should include all external ports and must be a 3D solid.
• Draw your object in 3D with as many details as possible
• Draw all orthographic views of the object (Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Front and Back)
• Draw a minimum of 2 different sectional views (to show areas of interest)
• When using hatching, please indicate what material it is representing
• Project will be graded based on quality of the work and presentation

Project Submission:

• Your project shall include a written description of your object (1 page)
• Submit photographs of your object.

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Engineering: Draw a minimum of 2 different sectional views to show areas
Reference No:- TGS02383847

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