
Draw a matrix to represent the relationships between the

You have been asked to develop a real estate database to track homes, realtors, and owners. Homes are either rented or owned and have an address, a number of bedrooms, a number of bathrooms, and square feet. An owner has a SSN, name, spouse (owner may not have one), profession, and spouse's profession (if no spouse, then no spouse's profession). Owners might have several homes to sell, but a home has only one owner. Agents represent owners in the sale of homes, and have a name, office identifier, and phone number. Agents are paid on a commission basis, based on the selling price of the home sold. Agents can represent many owner and homes, but each home or owner will only be assigned to or work with one agent.

a. Identify the potential entities

b. Draw a matrix to represent the relationships between the entities identified in part a.

c. Write out the business rules to represent the relationships between the entities identified in part a.

d. Draw the ERD

e. Correct any "problems" with the ERD from part d and redraw it here. If no problems, then so state - don't just leave it blank. Remember, part of correcting the diagram is ALSO correcting the matrix & business rules.

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Other Subject: Draw a matrix to represent the relationships between the
Reference No:- TGS0811174

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