
Draw a map of the trp pyr cys genes relative to each

Time of entry mapping between a streptomycin-sensitive, prototrophic Hfr strain and a streptomycin- resistant Fminus strain that was Trp- Pyr- Cys- Nic- did not allow the order of the trp,pyr,cys genes to be determined, but these three genes were always transferred before nic. To determine the relative order of the trp,pyr,cys genes and the distances between them, the Hfr and Fminus strains were mated long enough to allow the transfer of the nic gene, after which Trp+ recombinants were selected. The unselected pyr and cys genes were then scored in the Trp+ recombinants , yielding the following results:

phenotype number of recombinants
Trp+ Pyr+ Cys+ 790
Trp+ Pyr+ Cys- 145
Trp+ Pyr- Cys+ 60
Trp+ Pyr- Cys- 5

Draw a map of the trp, pyr, cys genes relative to each other.Express map distances between adjacent genes as the frequency of crossing over between them.

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Biology: Draw a map of the trp pyr cys genes relative to each
Reference No:- TGS01246195

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