
Draw a high-level dfd of the public library information

The percentage grade will be displayed. The actual grade allocated will be a percentage of the maximum 10 marks of the total course grade.

Due Date: Tuesday March 14, 2017.

Case Study Scenario


NALA (the National Archives and Library Authority) administers the development and coordination of library and information services at public libraries, mobile libraries, special libraries and school libraries throughout the country. A public library is operated by librarians and library paraprofessionals with information and resources for reference and borrowing accessible to the general public. A person wishing to use or borrow a book from the public library is called a Patron.

A patron may enter a public library to borrow books or use the computer facilities. A first-time user must be registered as a patron and is required to provide personal information so that a library card can be issued. The user would be asked for their full name, date of birth, phone number, email and address. A picture is also taken of the potential user and an automated number is generated for the user. This personal information will be stored in the Patron Database, and a library card will be given to the patron.

The library card allows the patron to borrow books, and is used by the library clerk to verify the patron as a valid library user with no overdue books or fines outstanding. The patron may ask the librarian for a recommendation. The librarian will use a computer to interface with the NALA Catalogue System and search for a particular book or topic.

The search results will be shown to the patron, who will indicate a desired choice. The clerk will check the library's Book Database as to the status of the book. If the book is available, the librarian will inform the patron of location of the book. The patron will select the book from the shelf and give it the librarian. The librarian will update the library's Book Database, send update information to the NALA Catalogue System and inform the patron of the date of return of the particular book.

A patron can use any computer within the Library for only one hour per day. The patron will swipe the Library Card in the device connected to the computer which again validates the patron. Once computer access is granted, the patron will access library services via the NALA website or use the computer for his/her private purposes. A record is generated in the Computer Usage File containing the patron ID, the date, start time, end time, and the ID number of the particular computer used.

When the patron returns the book, the librarian will check-in the book and the Books Database and the NALA Catalogue System will be updated. If the book is overdue, overdue fines are calculated and the user is informed that they need to pay the fines before accessing any more of the library's services. The user's status is updated as Invalid in the Patron Database, and a record is entered into the Fines Database with a unique fine number, the patron ID and the book which incurred the fine. Once the patron pays the fine, the Fines and Patron Databases are updated appropriately.

a) Every month, the NALA Management will request summary information about the library's usage, reading trends, and outstanding fines.

b) Draw a High-Level DFD of the Public Library Information System from the perspective of the public library staff.

Include at least FOUR (4) sub-processes in your diagram.

Data stores n processes should be included

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Operation Management: Draw a high-level dfd of the public library information
Reference No:- TGS02690496

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