
Draw a flowchart and write the pseudocode - calculate the

Question :Array Assignment 

Professor Merlin has asked you to help him. He has 100 total students in his four classes but he is not sure that all of them took his last exam. He wants to average the grades for his last exam in four sections of his medieval literature course and then determine how many students scored above the average and how many scored below. Without arrays you would have to enter all the test scores, find their average, and then enter them again to determine how many exceed the average. But you know how to use arrays, so you won''t need to enter the input a second time. 

Your logic will consist of using four arrays, one of each class with 25 students each. You will calculate the average grade for each class and how many student''s grades are above and below that average. 

You logic design will have create the arrays, load the arrays, accumulate the total of all grades (we will assume that all arrays have 25 elements each), calulate the average grade. After that you will need to loop throw each array start at the top, and compare each to the average to count how many grades where above the average and how many below (if the student grade is equal to the average they are above the average). 

At the end of your program you will print out the following information: each class''s average, then number of grades above and below average. 

You must submit both the pseudocode and the flowchart for this assignment. Save your flowchart and pseudocode in the same document (PDF or doc) then drop them into the assignment dropbox. 

Draw a flowchart and write the pseudocode to do this job.

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Basic Computer Science: Draw a flowchart and write the pseudocode - calculate the
Reference No:- TGS0963363

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