
Draw a curve of what the virus load profile would look like

1. Define compliance. Draw a curve of what the virus load profile would look like if a patient is not compliant. Label the X-axis with time and the Y-axis with virus load.

2. Why is STI considered a scientifically controversial strategy? Suggest three biological reasons why STI could be advantageous. Predict what will happen to the virus over time if patients are then allowed to resume their HAART therapy after STI. Propose situations in which the STI approach may not be recommended or effective in some HIV-positive people. How would a physician be able to tell if STI is working? Abracadabra: Magic Johnson and Anti-HIV Treatments Part III-"Drug Treatment and Drug Resistance: A Double Edged Sword" by Brian J. Rybarczyk University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

3. Predict what will happen to infection rates over time if drug resistant forms of HIV are allowed to spread through the population. What conditions might slow the spread of drug resistant strains?

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Biology: Draw a curve of what the virus load profile would look like
Reference No:- TGS02305514

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