
Draw a context-level and level-0 data flow diagram

Problem: For the following situation, draw a context-level diagram and a level-0 data flow diagram. Dave's Garage provides car service to its customers. Initially, a potential customer meets with the service manager, request work to be done on his/her car.  The service manager will send the order to the mechanic. The mechanic will plug the car into the store computer where diagnostics are performed.  Based on the diagnostics and order, if parts are required, they will check inventory.  If the part is not in inventory, they will initiate an inquiry to the parts dealer on availability. The service manager will get the report from the car, parts availability for the parts dealer and contact the customer regarding the initial order and any other maintenance required.  The customer will decide how to go forward.   Depending on the customer request, they will order parts if they are not in inventory.  The mechanic will complete the work and send an update to the system indicating the work performed.  The service manager will meet with the customer to finalize the order and get payment. The bank is contacted for payment. Re-ports at the end of the day are sent to management.

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Other Subject: Draw a context-level and level-0 data flow diagram
Reference No:- TGS03307083

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