
Draw a context diagram and a level one diagram

Assignment task: Can you draw a Context Diagram and a Level 1 Diagram detailing the following process. 

Handheld Point of Sale (PoS) Devices 

The hospitality industry uses a wide variety of technologies to lower costs and enhance customer service.   As a systems analyst, you just collected requirements for a restaurant called the Thirsty Camel.  They wish to buy a new PoS (Point of Sale) system which you will now map; showing how the data will flow throughout the process.

The Thirsty Camel (TC) is a busy bar and restaurant in Washington D.C. It offers an eclectic menu featuring progressive comfort food mixed with international flavors. The owner is technology forward thinking.

The future "to-be" process starts as follows:   When guests are seated, a server welcomes you and answers any questions you may have on the menu and any specials.   Before taking your food order, the server takes your drink orders on a handheld PoS device called Orderman.  The order is submitted electronically to the bar screen; showing the order and the server's name.  When ready, the server brings the drinks to the guest table.

When it is time to order food, the server uses Orderman to enter the orders. When done, the order is shows up on a screen in the kitchen.  Chefs then prepare the food.   When ready, the server picks up the food order and places the dishes at the proper seat.

When it comes to payment, the server prints the bill, delivers it to the table. The handheld device has a credit card or debit card swiper and receipt printer. The server thanks the guests for visiting TC.

At the end of the day, the manager prints out reports from Orderman. The reports include revenue per available seat hour, processing times, as well as a list of foods and drinks sold.   The manager uses the report to place a new food and drink inventory orders.

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Other Subject: Draw a context diagram and a level one diagram
Reference No:- TGS03311840

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