In the figure shown a 400-g hamster is placed at the tap of an 900-g wedge. The block rests on a spring scale. Unfortunately the block has a slippery top surface. so the hamster accelerates down the wedge. The bottom of the wedge is rough enough so it doesn't sup on the scale (the scale doesn't move either.)

a) Draw a complete free-body diagram for each of the objects in your system. the hamster and the wedge. Include Fnet for each of them.
b) Use Newton's Laws to write down the sum of the forces in each direction for each object in the system. Use them to find reading on the scale, in grams.
c) Make a table of the scale reading, in grams. for energy 106 of the wedge. from 0 to 90 degrees.
d) Graph the scale reading in grams as a function of θ from 0 to 90o.