1. Draw a sequence diagram indicating that object A calls the method bb in object B, B performs the requested action and returns control to A, and then A calls the method cc in object B.
(You may draw your diagram on paper and scan and e-mail to the instructor)
2. Draw a sequence diagram representing the interaction sequence that would ensue when a utility company sends a bill to a customer. (You may draw the diagram on paper then scan and e-mail to the instructor)
3. Draw a simple class diagram representing the relationships between magazine publishers, magazines, and subscribers. It is sufficient to depict only the class name within each box representing a class. (You may draw this one on paper and scan and e-mail the drawing to the insturctor)
4. Draw a simple dataflow diagram depicting the flow of data that occurs in an automated inventory system when a sale is made. (You may draw the diagram on paper then scan and e-mail to the instructor)
5. Draw a simple use case diagram depicting the ways in which a library patron uses a library.
6. Draw a class diagram depicting the fact that the classes Truck and Automobile are generalizations of the class Vehicle. (You may draw diagram on paper then scan and e-mail to your instructor)