
Draw a behavioral state machine that describes the various

Book - System Analysis & Design : A n O bject -O riented A pproach with UML By Alan Dennis and  Barbara Haley Wixom

Chapter 6 (pg. 236 - 238)-Behavioral Modeling

* Questions: 22

22. Identify the models that contain each of the following components: actor, association, class, extends, association, final state, guard condition, initial state, links,message, multiplicity, object, state, transition, and update operation.

* Exercises: A, B

A. Tink about sending a f rst-class letter to an international pen pal. Describe the process that the letter goes through to get from your initial creation of the letter to being read by your friend, from the letter's perspective. Draw a behavioral state machine that depicts the
states that the letter moves through.

B. Draw a behavioral state machine that describes the various states that a travel authorization can have through its approval process. A  travel authorization form is used in most companies to approve travel expenses for employees. Typically, an employee flls out a blank form and sends it to his or her boss for a signature.

If the amount is fairly small (<$300), then the boss signs the form and routes it to accounts payable to be input into the accounting system. Te system cuts a check that is sent to the employee for the right amount, and afer the check is cashed, the form is fled away with the canceled check. If the check is not cashed within 90 days, the travel form expires.

When the amount of the travel voucher is a large amount (>$300), then the boss signs the form and sends it to the CFO, along with a  paragraph explaining the purpose of the travel; the CFO signs the form and passes it along to accounts payable. Of course, the boss and the CFO can reject the travel authorization form if they do not feel that the expenses are reasonable. In this case, the employee can change the form to include more explanation or decide to pay the expenses.

* Minicases: 1

1. Refer to the functional model (use-case diagram, activity diagrams, and use-case descriptions) you pre pared for the Professional and  Scientifc Staff Manage ment (PSSM) Minicase in Chapter 4.

Based on your performance, PSSM was so satisf ed that it wanted you to develop both the structural and behavioral models so that it could more fully understand both the interaction that would take place between the users and the system and the system itself in greater detail.

a. Create both CRC cards and a class diagram based on the functional models created in Chapter 4.

b. Create a sequence and a communication diagram for each scenario of each use case identifed in the functional model.

c. Create a behavioral state machine for each of the complex classes in the class diagram.

d. Perform a CRUDE analysis to show the interactivity of the objects in the system.

e. Perform a verif cation and validation walkthrough of each model: functional, structural, and behavioral.

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Management Information Sys: Draw a behavioral state machine that describes the various
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