Query Plan. Pleas draw 3 different querry plans(trees) for the following SQL. Statement and schema. you have to write the necessary table names and column names as the tree node and leafs. Italicized and Bold words means foreign key.
Custmoer(customer_id, login_id, password,first_name, last_name,tel,address, city,zipcode,state)
producct(product_id, name, description, vendor_id, cost, sell_price, quantity,employee_id)
Orders(order_id,customer _id, date)
Product_order(order_id, product_id, quantity)
select c.first_name, p.name,po.qunatity,o.date
from Customer c, Product p. Product_order po, orders o
where p. product_ id=po.product_id and po.order_id=o.order_id and
c.customer_id=o. customer_id and c.last_name='test';
3.1 Query plan 1 (draw).
3.2 Qurey plan 2 (draw).
3.3 Query plan 3 (draw)
3.4 please expalin which plan will give the best perfomance and why?