
Draft the requirements for the new web site - questions

Part A:

Case 1: Developing an Online Database

A new dot-com company has decided to launch an affiliated Web site specifically for individuals interested in database issues. The main mission of the website is to provide a forum for database technical tips, issues, and scripts. The CIO and his technical team held a meeting to draft the requirements for the new Web Site and decided that it should include the following:

- Technical documents
- A forum where members can exchange ideas and share experiences
- Online access so that members can query or try the site's technical examples and scripts.
- A tips section.
- Technical support for error messages

Immediately after the meeting, the newly appointed project manager asks you to implement security for the site. She mentions that the security of a public database is so important that the CIO himself outlined the security requirements, as follows:

- The online database will have 10 public host database accounts that allow multiple sessions.
- The password of a public host account must be reset to its original setting whenever disconnects or logoffs occur.
- The maximum duration for a session is 45 minutes.
- Allocations will be set on memory and CPU usage to make sure the database is not overloaded due to excessive burden caused by badly written queries.
- Storage for each public host account must be limited to 1 MB
- The public host accounts will have privileges to create the most common database objects.
- All newly created objects must be removed before logoff.
- The database must have the default human resources (HR) user account enabled. All other accounts will be removed. All public host accounts must be able to view the data owned by HR, but must not be allowed to modify the data or structure of the database objects.
- When a member logs onto the database, all session information, such as IP address, terminal, and user session information, must be recorded for future analysis.

You may add other security or auditing features, as long as you don't overlook any of the requirements in this list.

You will need to submit responses to the questions including all the SQL scripts that you may have created. You also must provide screen shots of specific portions of the work you have done, especially the final results and some important intermediate steps.

To make a screen shot for Word, use the following steps:

* Have the image you want to copy visible on your computer screen.
* Simultaneously, hold down the Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt) and Print Screen (PrntScrn) keys on your keyboard.
* Go to an open Word Document
* Paste the image (either right click on your mouse and choose the Paste option, or simultaneously hold down the Control (Ctrl) and V keys.
* Resize the image by clicking and holding on one corner, then dragging the box size toward the center of the image (make sure the entire image is visible on a single page).

Part B: Answer the following questions with a narrative response in complete sentences.

Note: You will need to submit responses to the questions including all the SQL scripts that you may have created. You also must provide screen shots of specific portions of the work you have done, especially the final results and some important intermediate steps.

To make a screen shot for Word, use the following steps:

* Have the image you want to copy visible on your computer screen.
* Simultaneously, hold down the Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt) and Print Screen (PrntScrn) keys on your keyboard.
* Go to an open Word Document
* Paste the image (either right click on your mouse and choose the Paste option, or simultaneously hold down the Control (Ctrl) and V keys.
* Resize the image by clicking and holding on one corner, then dragging the box size toward the center of the image (make sure the entire image is visible on a single page).

1. Use Oracle10g to modify the DML audit mode (Simple 2) to include the INSERT statement.

2. Use Oracle10g to modify the DML audit model (Simple 2) to register a type of operation applied on the row.

3. Use Oracle10g to develop a data history model based on the AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE trigger.

4. Using the Audit Simple 1 model, modify the PL/SQL code presented for this model in the chapter to include auditing columns.

5. Using Oracle10g and any of the audit designs presented in this chapter or Chapter 7, produce an audit trail of any DML statement activities on any table belonging to a schema other than SYS or SYSTEM.

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Database Management System: Draft the requirements for the new web site - questions
Reference No:- TGS0976478

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