Assignment: Business Plan Breakdown 4 - The Operations Plan
• This is the fourth milestone of your business plan - the operations plan.
• Tasks:
• Research the operational components of your chosen project. Based on your research and the knowledge that you have gained from the course, create a 4- to 5-page operations plan by completing the following tasks:
• Define the management team by drafting an organizational chart and a plan for hiring employees.
• Draft the key employee policies and a code of ethics.
• Provide the details on the workplace environment, the location of the business, and the facilities necessary to operate the business. If a virtual component is a part of the workplace, explain how that is going to be incorporated.
• Describe the supply chain of the venture, with its main components and its management approach.
• Describe the manufacturing or customer service processes, discussing economies of scale and plans for attaining those economies (if applicable).
• Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery process, production (if applicable), inventory management (if applicable), and distribution.
• Describe methods to define and ensure the quality of the products or services.
• Discuss laws impacting the business and methods for compliance with federal, state, and local tax laws.