Draft outline for the three t&d programmes listed as pillars

Assignment task: Learning and development intervention for the Iziko Learning Institute

The Iziko Learning Institute (ILI) is a private higher and distance learning institution focussing on managerial leadership programmes.  It is located in Johannesburg and has an average annual turnover in excess of R2.5 million.  ILI has 100 employees (60 academic and 40 administrative and support employees) and has more than 800 students from different industries.

The academic employees fulfil the roles of an Academic Development Manager, learning designers, student support practitioners, facilitators, assessors, moderators and research supervisors.  The administrative and support consists of the following roles: registrar, registry assistants, key account managers (KAMs), administrators, print masters, ICT technicians, HR Manager, HR Practitioners, Financial Manager and financial assistants.

ILI is growing fast in terms of students and human resources and its management team had to review the HR strategy and plan and its client service.  As part of this process, it was decided to review and redesign the existing performance management system.  The redesigned performance management system and process should assist ILI to support its growth strategy, improve its client service and ensure a greater focus on systems thinking, teamwork and productivity.  The management team realises that this would require a formal T&D intervention.

However, redesigning and implementing performance management system will be a challenge for ILI as the existing performance management system was designed with an academic focus.  The implication was that it did not accommodate the administrative and support employees.  This made the system unpopular and lead to negative feelings about the value of the performance management system and process.  The following issues related to the previous performance management system and process was identified:                    

Quarterly deadlines to complete the process were missed by many employees.

Some employees were confused about what exactly needed to be completed and when.

There were complaints that the system was a waste of time and that there were no measurable outputs.

A trade union representative felt the system was not appropriate for all employees.

Criteria on the forms were irrelevant to administrative and support employees.

There was little attention on identifying T&D needs and where needs had been identified, there was no follow-up with appropriate actions.

Performance appraisals were led by line managers with little or no knowledge of their roles as performance appraisees.

Performance meetings were a one-way process and often perceived as a disciplinary discussion.

A new system was designed in consultation with all stakeholders to address the issues raised with the previous system.  The management team decided to appoint a consultant, who specialises in T&D, to assist ILI with the formal T&D intervention.  The main aim of the T&D intervention is to get commitment, buy-in and support of all stakeholders.  For this reason, the T&D intervention should focus on the following three (3) pillars:

Pillar 1: Design a T&D programme that will create awareness of the importance of a performance management system and process.

Pillar 2: Design a T&D programme that will assist all employees in participating effectively in the process.

Pillar 3: Design a T&D programme that will assist line managers in their roles as performance appraisers.

ILI's management team is well aware that there are many issues to consider when planning, designing and delivering T&D interventions. It is also clear that because people have different needs and learning styles, it is difficult to produce a T&D intervention that will be rated well by everyone. In this instance, it will be harder to satisfy people because of the negative experiences with the previous performance management system and process.


Q1. Draft an outline for the three (3) T&D programmes listed as Pillars 1, 2 and 3.  The outlines need to focus on the following questions:

a. Who will deliver the T&D programme?

b. How many sessions/workshops will be facilitated and how long would the session(s)/workshop(s) last?

c. What are the key areas that should be covered in each T&D programme?

d. What are the key differences between a T&D session suitable for managers and one geared toward employees?

e. Which T&D methods will be use for each of the three programmes?

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Other Management: Draft outline for the three t&d programmes listed as pillars
Reference No:- TGS03428203

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