
Draft design - detailed pmp - prototype - explains and

Assessment item 1

The precise requirement for this assessment item depends on your major. However, for all majors you need to show significant progress in your project and in return you get a chance for some feedback which you can then act on for future tasks.

Networking engineering and systems administration students will submit their draft design document and test plan.

IT Management and business analysis students will submit several artefacts - in particular a Project Management Plan (PMP).

Software development students will create working prototype and a test plan.

More details below.

Network Engineering / Systems administration Solution Design Document (Draft) and Test Plan

The purpose of a Solution Design Document is to provide a thorough and complete description of your proposed solution.

It has to include the logical (network topology, addressing, naming, VLANs, VPNs etc) as well as the physical design (which equipment to use, chosen LAN and WAN technology etc) for solution and provide information on how the design is to be implemented (Installation plans, user guides, administration plans etc). The design decisions that you have made need to be justified by referring back to the customer requirements set out in the Requirements Specification. You will need to show how your proposed design is a valid solution to fulfill these requirements. An electronic copy of the templates for the Design Document can be found in the resources section of the ITC306 Interact site.

Test plan

The purpose of a test plan is to clearly document the testing parameters for the system you are building in order to ensure the system is accurately evaluated against the system requirements documented in Assessment Item 2.

Develop a solution and encouraged to submit a single assessment. However please note that you will be assessed individually based on your performance.

IT Management /Business Analysis You are required to submit:
Detailed Project Management Plan
- An updated detailed Project Management Plan that includes:
- Quality Management plan
- High level wBS and budget
- Change Control plan
Reporting Templates
- Templates for your team submissions including:
- Change request forms
- Change log,
- Issue log,
- Team meeting agenda and minutes
- Other templates as identified
Please note that this is not a group/team assignment each student MUST submit individual assessment.

Software Development Students

You are required to complete the design for the critical, core, risky, difficult (CCRD) use case; create a comprehensive test plan and build a prototype for the CCRD use case.

Before giving details, it is important to realise that for assessment item 4, you will expand your prototype to fully implement the CCRD use case at production quality and fully tested with your test plan. So remember to develop with that in mind.

More precisely, you should submit

1. A Revised Requirement Model which sets out the final functional and non-functional requirements, the data model, and includes a Full Use Case Description for the CCRD use case.

2. A Final Architecture which explains and illustrates the final approach and technological platform that will be used to support the completed implementation.

3. A Master Test Plan - which sets out the final concept of the test regime including user acceptance testing (for CCRD).

4. A working prototype that supports the normal flow for the CCRD. The user interface need not be production level. Also, alternate and exceptional flows do not need to be implemented. They will be required for the last assessment item though.) You will need to show the source code you have written as part of the prototype. These should be organised as work items committed to version control with people' s names attached to the items. Work items should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timeboxed).

Please note you are rquired to work in group/team to develop a solution and encouraged to submit a single assessment .However please note that you will be assessed individually based on your performance.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
. be able to identify and apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artefacts of the process, using project management tools to assist in timely completion of milestones.
. be able to analyse and document requirements using appropriate modelling techniques and tools.
- be able to evaluate and determine suitable technologies to be used in the project.
- be able to demonstrate effective communication skills.
Network Engineering / Systems administration
- Demonstrate student's ability to apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artifacts of the process.
IT Management /Business Analysis
- Demonstrate student's ability to apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artifacts of the process.
Software Development Students
- Demonstrate student's ability to apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artifacts of the process;
- Demonstrate student's ability to identify and analyse standard testing parameters used in evaluating system performance.

Assessment item 2

Presentation & Final Documentation

All Students
In addition to the specific tasks detailed below, for this assessment item you and your team must present and also submit a recorded presentation. The presentation should be 10.15 min in length (10-15 slides) and targeted at your client. The purpose of the presentation is to show the client that you understand the business problem and vision for the project, that you have identified the requirements, scope and risks for the project, and that you have a solution that will suit the client. This means that your presentation should be delivered in a manner and using language that your client will be able to understand. It should include a general overview of your design and how it meets the specified business goals, and may discuss specific technical design issues or trade-offs that you have made in your design.

Network Engineering / Systems Administration students, your presentation should also include a short proof of concept/prototype demonstration that makes it clear that you are on track to deliver a fully working solution in ITC308.

Software development students will need to demonstrate their working executable architecture.

An electronic copy of the templates for the Design Document and Presentation can be found in the resources section of the ITC306 Interact site.

Network Engineering / Systems administration

Final Solution Design Documentation and Proof of Concept Prototype Presentation

You are required to submit a revised Solution Design Document based on the feedback from Assessment Item 3. This assessment item is your final Design Document documenting the entire solution that you propose for your project. You should now be able to implement your project based on this Design Document.

Please note you are required to work in group/team to develop a solution and encouraged to submit a single assessment .However please note that you will be assessed individually based on your performance.

IT Management / Business Analysis
Definitive Cost Estimates, WBS, Procurement Management and Presentation

Based on your approved design, you are required to prepare a definitive cost estimate and WBS utilizing MS Project, incorporating the allocation of costs and resources. Your MS Project submission should also be
baselined. You are also required to submit a Procurement Management Plan.

Please note that this is not a group/team assignment each student MUST submit individual assessment.

Software Development Students

You are required to achieve the LifeCycle Architecture Milestone (LCAM) for the application you are developing. In short this is about having executable architecture for the critical, core, risky, difficult (CORD) use case and evidence of thorough testing.

To make it clear, you need to have working code and need to demonstrate it as part of the presentation. The presentation should demonstrate normal and alternate flows at a production level.

In detail:

Deliver the following artefacts to substantiate that you have achieved LCAM. Most components will be available from earlier assessment items (but may need to be updated based on lecturer feedback or your own experience). Most of the marks are allocated to the bolded items. Remember though, that you need to do more in ITC308 and so continual updates as needed are important.

1.A Revised Project Vision, which sets out the final concept for the completed application.

2.A Revised Requirement Model which sets out the final functional and non-functional requirements, the data model, and includes a Full Use Case Description for the CCRD use case.

3.A Final Architecture which explains and illustrates the final approach and technological platform that will be used to support the completed implementation.

4.A Revised Master Test Plan - which sets out the final concept of the test regime.

5 An Executable Architecture which embodies complete end-to-end production quality support for the critical, core, risky, difficult (CCRD) use case, using the chosen architecture, deployed in the intended production environment.

6 Evidence of Testing. Specifically:
a.User Acceptance Tests to verify and validate support for the CCRD use case, together with test results.
b.Unit and Integration Tests to verify implementation of the CCRD use case.

7.A Revised Project Plan which sets out the final schedule for implementing all remaining functionality for the project.

You also need to give a presentation. In addition to what is mentioned above, the presentation should show your client your working executable architecture. As part of explaining what you have done, you need to clearly explain the different layers of the 3-tier architecture and how it applies to your project.

Please note you are required to work in group/team to develop a solution and encouraged to submit a single assessment .However please note that you will be assessed individually based on your performance.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to identify and apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artefacts of the process, using project management tools to assist in timely completion of milestones.
- be able to identify and analyse standard testing parameters used in evaluating system performance.
- be able to demonstrate effective communication skills.

Demonstrate student's ability to apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artifacts of the process, using project management tools to assist in timely completion of milestones; Demonstrate effective communication skills.

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Dissertation: Draft design - detailed pmp - prototype - explains and
Reference No:- TGS02925612

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