
Download the spss booklet sscu spss v22 booklet ver

Analysis of Data

This assignment consists of two parts. Part A is an analysis of quantitative data and Part B is an analysis of qualitative data. We will give you the data in both cases. Each part should consist of data analysis, commentary and interpretation and should make good use of published sources to justify your choices. For each part, you should write well-structured & designed reports of between 750 and 1000 words for each part - plus any diagrams and charts you produce and a list of references.

Part A

For Part A you will need to analyse some quantitative data using IBM SPSS and write a report on your findings. The data will be available in the Teaching Resources section of the BRM module website in the CW2 Data folder.

Detailed procedure

1 Download the SPSS Booklet (SSCU SPSS v22 Booklet ver 2014-11-27.pdf) from the SPSS folder of the Teaching Resources in the BRM module website.

2 Work through the booklet, concentrating on sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13 and 14.

3 Find the relevant data file in the CW2 Data folder of the Teaching Resources section of the BRM module website, download it and save it.

4 Open IBM SPSS. There is SPSS on all computers in the LRC (Start Menu -> All Programs -> Data Analysis and Statistics -> SPSS 23). It is also possible for you to install SPSS on your own computer. The LRC HelpDesk can help you if you want to do this. It is a little complicated, though, as SPSS is a very expensive program and the licencing is well protected. So give yourself some time if you intend to do this.

5 In SPSS open the File menu, click on Open, then Data. Navigate to the place you saved the data file. Select the data file and click on Open.

6 Work through the questions given.

7 Produce the appropriate analyses.

8 Format the tables and charts well, giving them titles, labelling the axes etc. Right click the charts to edit them.

9 Save a copy of the SPSS output file. Choose Export on the File menu, then "pdf" as document type and Save. You MUST hand this file in with your report.

10 Write a report, including the charts/diagrams & analyses from SPSS, with your comments/interpretations of the analyses, explaining what they mean. Right click the charts etc to copy and paste them into your report. Make sure any graphics are presented well, labelled correctly and explicitly referred to. Use the conventional report format, including your student number, introduction, conclusions, references etc.

11 Write between 750 and 1000 words as well as including any charts or diagrams.

12 You should make good use of published sources and refer to any sources you use - textbooks, SPSS manuals etc. in the conventional manner.

13 Include a list of references formatted in the HBS Harvard Style (See CASE website).

14 Hand in your report and the pdf of the output file. Make sure you name your files appropriately -course-student number-CW2.
Essential reading for Part A: Chapter 12 of Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill (2016)

Part B

For Part B you will need to analyse some qualitative data and write a report on your findings. The data will be available in the Teaching Resources section of the module website in the CW2 Data folder.

The text consists of parts of an interview transcript.

- Read the text several times to make sure you understand it.
- Use whatever methods you want to analyse and interpret this text. Count words, draw diagrams, etc or whatever you think is useful. Justify your choices by reference to the RM literature.
- Identify themes and subthemes and show how they are related. Quote evidence from the interview transcript to support these.
- Draw some conclusions.
- Consider how this exploratory interview can lead to the next stage in the research.
- Write between 750 and 1000 words as well as including any charts or diagrams.
- You should make good use of published sources and refer to any sources you make use of - textbooks, manuals, research etc.
- Include a list of references formatted in the HBS Harvard Style.

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Basic Statistics: Download the spss booklet sscu spss v22 booklet ver
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