1) Review the concept of cluster studies in chapter 8. How does Malcolm Gladwell discuss cluster studies in the area of food? Review Chapter 9, The Change Agent. If you were a change agent, attempting to market a new food product, what choices would you make? Why? How can a change agent maximize the adoption of a change taking in the notion of human variability? What type of food would you like to see changed? Why?
2) Download the attached word document (Discussion Chapters 10-11.doc) and read "New Millennium Thought: Perspectives and Trends".
You are part of the top management team of a large multi-national organization and you are an expert in the diffusion of innovations perspective. You are expected to be the discussion leader as your organization considers adopting a strategic plan for the next ten years. How will you plan to address the issues raised in this case study? What concepts from chapter 10 and chapter 11 may be particularly important to integrate into your organization as you look toward the future?