Application title: Double Your Pay Windows Application
Purpose: This Windows application finds the amount of your pay if your pay is doubled each day, starting with a penny a dor or a nickel a day. Instead of one month's salary, a boss offers her new employees a penny the first day and experienced employees a nickel for the first day under the new pay system. Each day the pay will double.
Program Procedures: In a Windows application, the user enters the number of days in a pay period and the pay for the first program. The program calculates and displays the amount of pay for the pay period.
Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:
1. The user enters the number of days in the pay period.
2. The user selects a RadioButton object to indicate the pay amount of the first day: a penny or a nickel.
3. After the user enters the number of days and pays for the first day, the total amount earned is calculated and displayed.
4. A File menu contains a clear and an Exit option. The Clear menu items clears the result and the RadioButton objects. The Exit menu item closes the application.
Notes and Restrictions:
1. Non-numeric values should not be accepted.
2. Negative values should not be accepted.
3. The minimum number of days for the pay period is 19 days for the new employees and 16 days for the experienced employees. The maximum number of days in a pay period is 22 days.