Doppler echocardiojgraphy measures blood flow velocities and direction of blood flow in the heart add great vessels. The characteristics of blood flow are evaluated using both audio information and a graphic display of the Doppler spectral analysis. Qualitative and quantitative Doppler information may aid in the non-invasive assessment of:
A) Valvular Abndrmalities
Stenosis-as inpicated by increased blood flow velocity and turbulence beyond an obsbction.
Regurgitation-detection of high velocity turbulent retrograde flow in cardiac chambeb proximal to be regurgitant valve.
B) Congenital Catdiac Defects
Shunt Lesions4etection of flow across a septa1 defect or from a patent ductus arteriousius and quantification of the degree of shunting. C) Cardiac funcdon
- Velocity time idtervals
- Estimates of catdiac output
- Other potential estimation of cardiac function