
Domestic societal-centered approaches look at the role of

1. Domestic societal-centered approaches look at the role of domestic politics, interest groups, and institutions as important factors in determining foreign economic policy. Explain this perspective by reviewing the thesis made by Rogowski that political support for free trade in a given country is determined by varying coalitions among owners of different factors of production (Heckscher-Ohlin/Stolper-Samuelson factor model) - and contrast it with the Hiscox argument that factor mobility (or lack thereof) may remake political trade divisions along industrial sectors (i.e., Ricardo-Viner/specific factors/sector model). Explain why different interest groups are in favor of free trade or protectionism under each argument (e.g., what is the effect of expansion of trade on different factor owners and industrial sectors; class v. urban-rural conflict; collective-action lobbying). Next, examine effect that different political institutions (e.g., autocratic v. democratic, single-member district v. proportional representation systems, from Congressional to presidential leadership) have on trade policy.

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Science: Domestic societal-centered approaches look at the role of
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