
Domestic and international marketing

You need to write 6 pages long paper in depth analysis of key points of chapter 14 that is “Marketing Internationally”. You need to provide three real business examples. It is possible to use additional content sources, such as articles, books and websites which need to be referenced correctly as footnotes.

Here are some objectives:

1- The differences between domestic and international marketing.

2- Why international marketing managers may wish to standardize the marketing mix.( Standardize,Adapt, or Formulate Anew?, Product Strategies, Promotion Strategies, Pricing Strategies)

3- Why it is often impossible to standardize the marketing mix worldwide.

4- Why consumer products generally require greater modification for international sales than do industrial products or services.

5- Some of the effects the Internet may have on international marketing.

6- “Glocal” advertising strategies.

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Marketing Management: Domestic and international marketing
Reference No:- TGS01434300

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