Country Currency Contract $/Foreign Currency
Canada - dollar Spot .8437
30 day .8417
90 day .8395
Japan - yen Spot .004684
30 day .004717
90 day .004781
Switzerland - fran Spot .5139
30 day .5169
90 day .5315
*Converting currency - American business needs to pay (a) 10,000 Canadian dollars, (b) 2 million yen (c) 50,000 Swiss francs to businesses abroad. What are the dollar payments to the different countries?
*Converting currency - American business pays $10,000, $15000, and $20,000 to suppliers in Japan, Switzerland and Canada. How much in local currency do the suppliers receive?
*Indirect quotes - Compute the indirect quote for the spot and forward Canadian dollar, yen and Swiss franc contracts.
*Bid, spot and forward rates - The spreads on the contracts as a % of the asked rates are 2% for yen, 3% for Canadian dollars and 5% for Swiss francs. Demonstrate in a table similar to the one above the bid rates for the different spot and forward rates.