
Does your source cite other sources as the basis for its

Locate a article in relation to case studuy below 2 page including references Deter the main idea of the article Craft a thes is sentence and topic outline that could be written in response to the article Be sure to provide attribution, using APA format

Case study

You think that one of your son's best friends might be suffering from clinical depression. The youth is 15 years old and used to spend a lot of time in your home and with your family. Lately, though, he has become more withdrawn, and you seldom see him. He told your son that he has considered suicide. Your son didn't know how to handle the situation, came to you for advice, but he asked you not to tell anyone-especially the parents of his friend. You know the friend's parents pretty well through school functions, although you are not close friends. Do you respect your son's wishes and do nothing? Do you decide to speak to his friend yourself to better assess the situation? Do you determine that maintaining your son's confidence is not as important as intervening on behalf of his friend, and so you tell his parents what is going on? What do you do?

locate a article in relation to case studuy below

Determine the main idea of the article Craft a thes is sentence and topic outline that could be written in response to the article Be sure to provide attribution, using APA formatti


At the end of the paper copy n paste this evaluation Source Quality Rating Document

General Information about Sources: The best sources of specialized information are not more than five years old, whereas sources of general information can be older. For example, general information about cancer that was written 20 years ago might still be accurate, whereas preferred treatments for lung cancer would be considered specialized information and should be more current since they change often. Primary sources present original research on a subject, whereas secondary sources often cite original research, statistics, or information developed by others. Secondary sources are entirely acceptable for this course and for most academic writing, but one measure of their quality is the primary source on which they are based.Sources that emphasize facts and statistics are often more reliable than those that simply provide opinion, even the opinion of an expert on the subject. There are exceptions to all of the rules stated above.

1. Provide the title of your source and the Internet link or other locating information:

2. Use the Walden Writing Center to locate proper APA citation format, and practice:

3. Rate your source on the following points with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest rating:
 __ How current is the source?
 ___ Does your source cite other sources as the basis for its claims? Yes If so, how many? __
 Of what quality do you judge the original sources to be?
 ___ Does your source provide statistics or other facts, or is it completely or primarily expert opinion?

NOTE: More than one rating of "3" or lower should provide the basis for concern about the quality of your source. In that case, you should consult your professor.

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Other Subject: Does your source cite other sources as the basis for its
Reference No:- TGS02159411

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