
Does your reference page look sharp sloppy or mediocre are


Instructions: locate and document five sources on a topic of your choice. Documenting sources in a consistent, organized manner can improve your credibility. A sloppy, inaccurate or incomplete reference page may reduce your credibility, which is a liability to success.

Your reference page should have a centered title. Use Times New Roman font, 11 or 12 point size, nothing in bold. Do not vary your font or font size. Indent after the first line of each entry. Alphabetize your sources (from A to Z) by author last name. Include a header with your name and a page number.

Include author, title of source, editor or translator (if there is one), publisher, year of publication, city and country of publication (if available). Well known cities (New York, Chicago, London, Tokyo, Shanghai) don't need the country listed. If you have material that is part of a larger source, cite the larger source and publisher of the larger source. Internet sources require additional information, including the date of most recent publication/update, the day you looked at the source (called the access date), and the publisher of the location/material.

Three sources may be from the Internet. Choose sources that are trustworthy and possess credibility. Choosing Wikipedia, an online dictionary, or a basic .com/.org source is not a good strategy for success.

Two sources should come directly from our OSU Library. You may use the OSU databases, OneSearch or check out books, depending on your topic and source needs. Please indicate which of your two sources are from the OSU Library by including information from the database or call number.

A sample reference page may be found below. Please bring a clean, printed copy of your reference page to recitation on 4/20 (TR) or 4/21 (WF).

Remember, think about your credibility.

Are your sources up-to-date? Remember, some topics need recent sources; others do not. Do your sources add to your credibility and stature?

Does your reference page look sharp, sloppy or mediocre?

Are you using a consistent method of citation, or does each entry look different?

Here are examples of topics for this assignment:

Orson Welles

On the Waterfront

Julius Caesar


NFL Concussions


Steve Jobs


Douglas Fir trees

Dog breeds

Swiss Watch



Federalist Papers

NBA Basketball



Interior Decorating


The Apostle Paul

The Martian

Portrait Framing

Building a fire

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

OSU Baseball

Philosophy of Science

Adele (artist)


Works Cited

Ackerman, Kenneth. Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003. Print. OSU call#: E687.9 .A25 2003.

Clark, James. The Murder of James A. Garfield: The President's Last Days and the Trial and Execution of His Assassin. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1993. Print.

Kane, Joseph. Facts About the Presidents: From Washington to Johnson. New York: Pocket Books, 1964. Print.

Review of The Case for the Psalms: Why they are Essential, by Nicholas Thomas Wright. Publishers Weekly. 8 August 2013, p. 84. Web. OSU database: EBSCOHost. 5 April 2017.

Wright, Nicholas Thomas. The Case for the Psalms: Why they are Essential. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013. Print.

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Dissertation: Does your reference page look sharp sloppy or mediocre are
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