Assignment Task: Diversity Dynamics - Questions
Part I:
Select three (3) people of any age who can draw (this can be done individually or in groups, but they must not copy from one another, and each person must draw separately without looking at others' work. They can be from the same family or different ones).
Provide each participant with a sheet of paper and a pencil, pen, crayons, etc. Instruct them to individually create a drawing of what they consider to be a "typical family." It is important that participants refrain from asking questions such as, "Can we draw as many people as we want?" or "Can we include pets?" The instruction is simply: Draw what, in your opinion, represents a typical family. (These questions should not be answered, as doing so might influence their drawings).
Clarify that the drawing does not need to be highly detailed and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Additionally, participants should include a brief description of the family members in their drawing, such as their age, occupation, whether or not they work, and any hobbies. They may provide as much descriptive detail as they wish.
Once the drawings are complete, ask the participants to explain their work and record their answers:
- The age of each family member
- Whether they work and their profession
- Hobbies
- Other details
- Does your family reflect the characteristics depicted in the drawing?
- Why or why not? Please elaborate.
- If the answer is no, why did you draw that type of family?
(Note: Participants often depict a father who works and has a professional occupation, while mothers may or may not work. Typically, there are two children: an older boy and a younger girl. Observations often include disparities in age and height, with the father being the tallest and oldest figure. Additionally, mothers are frequently portrayed without a professional degree or in professions associated with lower economic compensation compared to the father's profession.
Gender roles also emerge, with daughters often depicted engaging in activities like "ballet," while sons participate in "soccer.")
Part II: Reflection Questions
Once the typical family has been drawn and the questions answered, conduct the following analysis:
- What type of family was most commonly drawn, and why do you think this was the case?
- How many families with these characteristics do you know? What makes you think these families have these characteristics?
- Why do we believe families are like this (as depicted in the drawing)?
- Do we hold other stereotypes? What are they?
- Reflect on the experience.
Assignment: Essay
Develop a written piece with your opinion.
It must include at least three (3) paragraphs with no fewer than 350 words in size 12 font, addressing the following:
- In what order of priority would you place the three (3) forms of family disintegration discussed in this module? Justify your response. Need Assignment Help?
- Which one do you think occurs most frequently, and why?
Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission.