
Does your essay have a clear point or stance does entire

Essay Assignment: Expository Essay- Culture

For this essay, you are to define and explorea culture. From Merriam-Webster, we have the following definition(s) of culture:

a: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations

b: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also :the
characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a
place or time: popular culture; Southern culture

c: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization a corporate culture focused on the bottom line

For our purposes, we will add the notion that some cultures are our born of tension (social or otherwise) and grow in response to other, perhaps dominant, cultures. If this is the case for your subject, your culture of exploration, you must explore this relationship.

Regardless of whatculture you choose,focus, define and expose itsinner-workings and explain what makes this so unique... to you and potentially to others. In other words, whether you're writing about something intellectual, political, religious, fun or something practical like food, dismantle it as a culture.

As you explore your topic, reach for argumentation. That is, include in your discussion relevant ideas about culture (how we think, act, and behave during our daily lives) and history as they are connected to your subject. Your argumentative stance pertaining to the ways your topic affects us as real human beings should also be included.Ultimately, explain why your point of view deserves our attention... what makes your thesis and point of view significant?

Organizationally, you might start with an experience that helps frame your subject.

Stylistically, you should be authoritative, addressing the issue as someone who should be listened to; but be careful not to allow personal biases or emotions to control the tone of your essay.

The essay should be no less than 4 pages, typed, double-spaced with normal page margins, 12 pt. font. No research sources are required, but you will likely do research. If so, your sources MUST BE CITED using MLA Format.

Self-help Criteria: Continually ask yourself these questions during the writing process.

Focus: Does your essay have a clear point, or stance? Does the entire essay relate clearly to that point?

Development: Is your essay developed through examples, details, specific information?

Organization: Does your essay follow some clear logic and order? Does it flow? Have readability? Do you step away at certain points to explore your key idea-what you are trying to say?

Clarity: Is your essay written in clear and appropriate language-language befitting your topic? Does a strong individual voice emerge? Can the reader hear you?

Correctness: Is your essay written in Standard Written English? Do misspellings and grammar errors detract from your message? Has the paper been adequately proofread and revised?

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Other Subject: Does your essay have a clear point or stance does entire
Reference No:- TGS02485847

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