
Does your company formally train employees is the training

Training, Performance Management & Compensation Questions

  • Does your company formally train employees? Is the training effective? Why or why not? "All of our managers train any new hires, HR as well, we train any new employee on our policies and practices. As of right now we don't send anyone anywhere for training. But if I wanted to go obtain more knowledge about HR, then that is paid for."
  • Describe your company's compensation package. Is it fair? Is it competitive with other organizations within the industry? "I mean we pay all of our employees, but the oil industry is very competitive, so we are not just going to tell anyone and everyone what our packages are. But we are competitive within the oil and gas industry, and we stay competitive by doing market analysis on what our peers do, and that's a public survey that most of our peers are involved with and that's how we put together our packages." How do they determine pay? Are you satisfied for the amount of pay you receive for your job? "based on our market analysis compared to our peers, so as inflation goes up, ranges go up, we are looking at a lot of different things, like age and job experience when we are determining pay." -Are you satisfied with the pay you receive? "I believe our organization pays fairly."
  • Describe your company's benefits package. Is it fair? Is it competitive with other organizations within the industry? "We're competitive."
  • Describe your company's performance evaluation process. "We do an annual PA process, We set goals and then rate ourselves at the end of the year. Our talent management kicks that off and handles that, but we are involved in the process a little bit just by making sure that it goes well. But employees all rate themselves and then you are rated by your manager. We encourage performance feedback throughout the year formally and informally."
  • Are employees recognized for their performance? How? "It depends, there are different types of recognition, whether it's a promotion or formal recognition but I believe our employees are recognized. Whether it's face to face or through an email, or maybe career advancement, we do our best to recognize all of our employees"
  • Are there opportunities for advancement available within your organization? "Yes. It depends on the employee though, they need to perform and do their job functions, but it just depends how fast you can move up, there may not be an opportunity even if you are an ideal employee.
  • Anything you would like to add? "In HR there's a lot of different components to it, you probably got a lot over very standard HR answers from me just because there's a lot behind the scenes that we have to consider when representing a company." "Also our Website CLR.com may be useful for your research"

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Business Management: Does your company formally train employees is the training
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