
Does your abstract state the aims and scope of your review

Research Paper

Guidelines for Your Research Paper (Comparison / Contrast)

1. Title Page (begin on page1) 3 points

A. Title is followed by Author's Name at the Top Portion.
B. Is your title specific and informative?
C. Does it contain relevant keywords?

2. Abstract Page (150-250 words) (begin on page 2) 9 points

A. Does your Abstract state the aims and scope of your review?
B. Does it summarize major research on your topic?
C. Is your Abstract concise?

Paper should begin (page 3 onwards) with an Introduction page followed by the main body and ending in a Summary page.

3. Introduction (2 full pages text) (begin on page 3) 10 points

A. Does your Introduction present the scientific issue and give a rationale for your review?
B. Do you state the review's central question or objectives?
C. Do you state your null and alternative hypothesis?

4. Comparison / Contrast (body 7 full pages text) (begin on page 5)

A. Do you interpret and utilize data from the literature to address and provide support for your novel question.
B. Are your paragraphs well organized, developing main points by means of details and specific examples?
C. Are headings and subheadings parallel, focused, and concise?
D. Do you rely on your own wording, without using quotations?
E. Have you cited all important sources?

5. Discussion (2 full pages text) (begin on page 12)

A. Do you discuss the significance of everything you have relayed to the reader based on the supporting data?
B. Do you discuss controversies in the literature, the need for new research, and broader implications of your topic?
C. Did you conclude something or just merely summarize?

6. Literature Cited (at least 12 primary sources) (begin on page 14)

A. Are all sources cited in the paper also listed in your Literature Cited?
B. Does your Literature Cited section contain any sources not cited in the review?
C. Have you documented your references using a conventional format consistently?
D. Is the information about every source accurate and complete?
E. Are 12 of your references of primary sources?

1. In the body of the paper references are:
(Gonzalez, 1995). only one author
(Lopez and Jones, 2007). two authors
(Abdulaziz et al., 2009). three or more authors

2. Literature Cited format "APA Style" (follows main body and summary)

Peer-reviewed Original Research Article Makemson, J., A. Eberhard and K. Mathee. 2006. Simple electrospray mass spectrophotometry detection of acylhomoserine lacones. Luminescence. 21:1-6.

Book Chapter

Richardson, L.L. 2004. Black band disease. in Coral Reef Health and Disease, E. Rosenberg and E. Loya (eds), Sringer Verlag, pp: 325-336.

Review Article

Hastings, J.W., J. Makemson and P. Dunlap. 1987. How are growth and luminescence regulated independently in light organ symbioses.
Symbiosis. 4:3-24.


1. Paper line spacing: double space with 1 inch margins.
2. Font size = 12. Please use Arial or Times Roman.
3. Species names must be italicized. NEVER quote in the text of a scientific paper.
4. Include the headings above in bold for your finalized review paper.
5. Must have at minimum 2 figures and 2 tables placed after your discussion.
6. Figures, tables, and pictures must be placed after the discussion, but before the references.


An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
(8 complete sentences at minimum per primary source reference (8 primary sources in all)

Use the link below to help guide and format your annotated bibliography in APA style.

Revised Research Question & Short Synopsis

Question: Are the parasites Naegleriafowleri, Taeniasolium, and Toxoplasma gondii using the same mechanism to invade the host's brain?

Ho: The parasites Naegleriafowleri, Taeniasolium, and Toxoplasma gondii use the same mechanism to invade the host's brain.

Ha:The parasites Naegleriafowleri, Taeniasolium, and Toxoplasma gondii do not use the same mechanism to invade the host's brain.

Title: Three parasites that want to invade your brain.

Synopsis: Naegleriafowleri, Taeniasolium, and Toxoplasma gondiiare three of the many parasites that invade the host's brain. These infected hosts show unusual behaviors and in some cases death is a possibility. In my paper, I will compare and contrast the different mechanisms that these parasite use to penetrate the brain and how the host reacts to the infection. Since these are animal parasites, I will also explain how these parasites affect the ecosystem where their host lives as well as the agricultural and veterinary factors. Within this topic, I will also look into medical importance and how it can be prevented and treated.

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Biology: Does your abstract state the aims and scope of your review
Reference No:- TGS01706383

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