
Does water enter as saturated liquid or saturated vapor

A popular method of cooling homes in the southwest US is the evaporative cooler. It cools air entering a home by spraying small drops of water into it; when the drops evaporate they consume energy from the air so the air temperature decreases.

Assume you have 1.7 lbm of atmospheric air at 90 F. Into it you spray 0.009 lbm of water at 65 F.

a. Does the water enter as saturated liquid, saturated vapor, compressed liquid, or superheated vapor? (Think of a garden hose or lawn sprinkler).

b. If all the water evaporates to a final temperature of 70 F, what is the final air temperature? Report your answer in F.

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Mechanical Engineering: Does water enter as saturated liquid or saturated vapor
Reference No:- TGS0728786

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