
Does violence in video games promote violenceaggression in

Argument Essay

In your argument paper, you are going to choose a side of a debatable (provided) topic. You will then need to persuade the reader (your teacher) to agree with your opinion. The best argumentative papers combine strong research and commentary from the author.

You will have several topics to choose from that are listed below. You will receive research from your teacher to use as your sources for the paper. These are the ONLY sources that you may use. You will receive articles that are in favor of the cause and articles that are against the cause. You will also receive an outline to help you with this paper. It is required that you use this outline. Each body paragraph must include two pieces of cited information with at least one of those being a direct quote. You MUST also include a Works Cited page. Any paper turned in without a Works Cited page will receive a maximum grade of a 50. Also, your paper is NOT considered turned in until both a hard copy and a digital copy are turned in. Daily late points (20 points per day) will accumulate until both steps are done.


Prompt 1

Does violence in video games promote violence/aggression in children?

Prompt 2

Is it worth sacrificing personal privacy in order to maintain social safety?

Prompt 3

Would raising the minimum wage help decrease poverty levels or inadvertently increase unemployment?

Prompt 4

Does popular media have a negative influence on body image?

Prompt 5

Should society support paternity leave, or would paternity leave be detrimental to the work force?

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Term Paper: Does violence in video games promote violenceaggression in
Reference No:- TGS01272405

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